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Commonwealth Square
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Commonwealth Square

Commonwealth Square, located in the Partizansky District of Minsk, is a picturesque place that combines natural beauty with historical significance. The name "Commonwealth" was assigned to it by a decision of the Minsk City Council of Deputies on November 19, 2008. This square is bordered by Dolgobrodskaya and Oleg Koshevoy Streets and is also located near the Palace of Culture of the Minsk Tractor Plant. It is an excellent spot for relaxation, especially during lunchtime, when you can sit on one of the many benches and enjoy your meal in the shade of beautiful shrubs. Some of the trees here have been preserved from the relic forest that existed before the development of the tractor plant settlement. A notable feature of the square is the Monument to Kazakhstan Soldiers who perished during the Great Patriotic War. This memorial serves as a reminder of the heroism and selflessness of Kazakh soldiers who fought for peace and freedom. Commonwealth Square is not only a lovely place for rest and walks but also an important historical site that honors the past. Visiting Commonwealth Square allows you to enjoy a cozy atmosphere, feel connected to history, and spend time in nature in the heart of Minsk.
Commonwealth Square: characteristics and location

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