Prushinsky Chapel-Tomb — These are majestic ruins located in Loshitsky Park in Minsk. Built in 1788 in the Vilnius Baroque style, the chapel initially served not only as a place of worship but also as a family tomb for the Prushinsky family, who owned the estate from the early 18th century until the second half of the 19th... read more
Часовня-усыпальница Прушинских, Главная историческая аллея
Upper Town (Vierchni Horad) is the historical center of Minsk, a unique place where centuries-old history and the cultural heritage of Belarus come together. It is located in the heart of the capital and includes several significant streets and... read more
10, площадь Свободы
Liberty Square in Minsk is one of the most significant historical places in the city. Located in the Upper Town by the Svislach River, it has served as Minsk's administrative, commercial, and cultural center for centuries. Since the 16th century, the square has undergone numerous changes in appearance, names, and functions while maintaining its... read more
11, площадь Свободы
Minsk Town Hall is one of the most significant historical and architectural structures in the capital of Belarus, symbolizing municipal self-governance and development. Located on the Liberty Square in the Upper Town in Minsk, it embodies the city's centuries-old history and its quest for independence. The first... read more
Ратуша, 2А
The Archcathedral of the Holy Name of the Saint Virgin Mary on Liberty Square in Upper Town of Minsk, built between 1700 and 1710, is a significant architectural monument in the Vilnian Baroque style. This magnificent temple is an important part of Belarus's cultural and spiritual heritage and a key Catholic church... read more
Архикафедральный собор Имени Пресвятой Девы Марии, 9
Bernardine Monastery in Minsk is a historic architectural monument of the 17th century, located in the Upper Town on Liberty Square next to the town hall and the trade rows. Founded in 1624 at the initiative of stewards Andrey... read more
Бывший Костёл св. Иосифа. Архив., 4
The Cathedral of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, located in the Upper Town on Liberty Square in Minsk, is an outstanding example of the architectural and spiritual heritage of the region. This majestic church was built in the mid-19th century and is rightfully considered one of the main shrines and cultural... read more
Кафедральный собор Сошествия Святого Духа, 3
In the historical center of Minsk, at Liberty Square, stands the "City Scales" sculpture, installed in April 2014. This monument, created by sculptor Alexander Prokhorov and architect Sergey Baglasov, symbolizes an important historical event for the city—the acquisition of Magdeburg rights in 1499. The Magdeburg... read more
Детская филармония, 23А
On Liberty Square in Upper Town of Minsk, opposite the city hall, stands a unique sculpture known as “Governor Zachary Korneev's Carriage”. This bronze composition was installed in 2007 in honor of the city’s anniversary and... read more
Ратуша, 2А
Fountain "Heritage", located at Liberty Square in Minsk next to the Cathedral, is an atmospheric and picturesque structure. Despite its medium size and simplicity, it has a special charm. On hot days, it becomes a popular resting spot for passersby and tourists, offering a pleasant refreshment and a cozy corner in... read more
площадь имени Митрополита Филарета, Верхний город
In 2014, a monument "Vojt with a Key" was installed opposite the main entrance of the Minsk Town Hall, dedicated to the granting of the Magdeburg Law to Minsk. This sculpture depicts a bronze vojta, the head of the magistrate, who holds a symbolic key to the city and a royal charter granting Magdeburg Law to Minsk in... read more
Ратуша, 2А
The House Church in honor of Saint Cyril of Turov, located at Zybitskaya, 25A in Upper Town in Minsk, is an important spiritual and educational center of the Minsk Theological Academy. The church was consecrated on June 20, 2015, and has since served as a place for worship services, as well as religious and cultural... read more
Храм святителя Кирилла Туровского, 25
Next to the House Church of Saint Cyril of Turov in Minsk, there is a bronze sculpture by Alexander Valentinovich Dranets. It depicts the Apostle John the Theologian, one of the 12 apostles and the author of the Gospel. John holds writing materials in his hands, symbolizing his works, and behind him stands an angel, representing divine... read more
площадь имени Митрополита Филарета, Верхний город
In Minsk, at the main entrance to the Holy Spirit Cathedral, a bronze monument to the first Patriarchal Exarch of all Belarus, Metropolitan Filaret, has been erected. The unveiling of the monument took place on May 3, 2022, and became a significant event for the Orthodox community. Sculptor Andrei Khotyankovsky and his team created a work of art reflecting the contributions of Metropolitan Filaret, who led... read more
площадь имени Митрополита Филарета, Верхний город
Gostiny Dvor is a complex of unique historical buildings located in Liberty Square in Upper Town of Minsk. The construction of this architectural monument began in the 16th century, but major works were carried out in the 18th century when the provincial architect Fyodor Kramer reconstructed it in the style of... read more
10, площадь Свободы
Minsk Horse Railway Museum opened in 2017 in the Upper Town of Minsk. The exhibition is located in the historic building of the former Bernardine Monastery and offers an interesting insight into the evolution of public transport in the... read more
Музей конки, 8Д
Belarusian State Academy of Music is a key higher educational institution in the field of musical art in Belarus, founded on November 15, 1932, as the Belarusian State Conservatory. The modern academy building, constructed in 1958 on Liberty Square in Minsk, is designed in the classical style and is located on the site of the Lyakhovsky and Gavrilovich buildings, which were destroyed during the war.... read more
Белорусская государственная академия музыки, 30
Independence Square in Minsk is the largest and one of the central squares of the Belarusian capital, boasting a rich history and cultural significance. Its construction began in 1933 based on a project by the renowned Soviet architect Iosif Langbard. Initially, it was called Lenin Square, and for many decades it was an important public and political center of Minsk. Numerous events, parades, and demonstrations take place on the square, and its unique architectural ensemble is a hallmark... read more
площадь Независимости, Московский район
Lenin Monument on Independence Square in Minsk is one of the most famous and largest monuments of the former Soviet Union, which still serves as an important historical and cultural symbol of Belarus. The monument was first erected on November 7, 1933, to mark the 16th anniversary of the October Revolution, and it became the central element of the square, which was then called Lenin Square. The... read more
Ленин, площадь Независимости
House of Government of the Republic of Belarus is one of the largest and most significant buildings in Minsk, playing a key role in the administrative life of the country. Located on Independence Square, this majestic structure, built between 1930 and 1934 according to the design of the renowned architect Iosif Langbard, became a striking example of the Constructivist architectural style and an... read more
площадь Независимости, Московский район
The Church of Saints Simon and Helena, also known as The Red Church, is one of the most recognizable landmarks in Minsk. This Catholic church is located on Independence Square, next to the Government House, and attracts attention with both its architecture and its historical... read more
Костёл святого Симеона и святой Елены, 15
Nagasaki Bell is a monument erected in Minsk at Independence Square in September 2000. It is located next to the Red Church and the sculpture of Archangel Michael. The memorial is dedicated to the memory of the victims of nuclear disasters, such as the atomic bombing of Nagasaki and the Chernobyl disaster. The... read more
Колокол Нагасаки, площадь Независимости
Archangel Michael Monument, installed in 1996 near the Church of Saints Simon and Helena in the center of Minsk, holds an important place among the city's landmarks. The 4.5-meter-tall bronze figure depicts the Archangel striking a winged serpent with a spear. The monument is set on a low, octagonal pedestal clad in red granite. One side bears an inscription in Belarusian: "To the Defenders of God, Faith, and... read more
Архангел Михаил, пронзающий змея
Sculpture "The Architect" in Minsk is one of the most famous works by Belarusian sculptor Vladimir Zhbanov. Installed in 2007 in honor of the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus, it symbolizes the architectural development of the city. The composition reflects the evolution of Minsk – from the wooden castle of the 12th century to monumental buildings such as the Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater. The three-meter figure of the architect is depicted in a moment of creative thought,... read more
Памятник зодчим всех поколений, площадь Независимости
The Fountain on Independence Square in Minsk is one of the city's bright decorations, becoming its calling card. Built in 2006, it is a glass dome crowned with bronze sculptures of three soaring storks, symbolizing freedom and independence. This unique fountain also serves as a roof for the three-story shopping center "Stolitsa," located under the... read more
Города Беларуси, 3 к2
Fountain "Youth", located in the picturesque Edward Voilnovich Square, near Independence Square and the Church of St. Simeon and St. Helena, is one of the most romantic corners of Minsk. The man-made pond on which the fountain is situated is adorned with an elegant curved bridge and dark gray boulders, harmoniously scattered across its area. In one corner of the landscape, a large weeping willow... read more
Юность, площадь Независимости
Trinity Suburb is a unique historical district of Minsk, located on the left bank of the Svisloch River. This corner of the city has preserved the 19th-century architecture, the charm of antiquity, and a special atmosphere that cannot be found in other parts of the capital. Strolling along the cobblestone streets of Trinity Suburb, one can feel the spirit of the past, learn the city's history, and enjoy the view of the river and the old buildings. This place attracts tourists, artists,... read more
Китаевская синагога, 9А
Sculptural composition "Belarusians Abroad" is a significant monument installed on the banks of the Svisloch River in Minsk, opposite the historic Trinity Suburb. Opened on September 8, 2017, as part of the World Belarusians Arts Festival, it is dedicated to all Belarusians living outside their homeland and symbolizes the unity of the Belarusian people, regardless of where they... read more
Беларусам замежжа, Троицкая набережная
Monument to Yazep Drozdowicz, erected in 1993 in Minsk, is an important cultural landmark that attracts the attention of both locals and tourists. It is a sculptural composition called "The Eternal Wanderer," created by Belarusian sculptor Igor Golubev and architect Valery Marukhin. The monument is located in the picturesque historical area of Trinity Suburb, symbolically highlighting the connection... read more
Язеп Дроздович, Троицкая набережная
Sculpture "Girl with an Owl", located in the Trinity Suburb of Minsk, is one of the most symbolic and mysterious compositions of the capital. This creation by the famous Belarusian sculptor Leonid Zilber not only adorns the historic part of the city but has also become its unofficial symbol. The bronze sculpture harmoniously blends with the surrounding landscape, attracting the attention of both... read more
Девочка с совой, улица Максима Богдановича
Maxim Bogdanovich Literary Museum in Minsk is dedicated to the life and work of one of the greatest classics of Belarusian literature. Located in the historic district of Trinity Suburb, the museum offers an immersion into the unique world of the poet, whose works have left a deep mark on Belarusian culture. The museum was founded in 1981 and opened to visitors in 1991, on the 100th anniversary of... read more
Литературный музей Максима Богдановича, Троицкая набережная