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How to Overcome Burnout: Practical Strategies for Recovery and Well-Being

How to Overcome Burnout: Practical Strategies for Recovery and Well-Being

January 24,11 min. to read

Your brain and body can only handle fatigue and stress up to a certain limit. Continuous unmanaged stress will eventually lead to exhaustion—both emotional and physical burnout. You lose motivation and feel like all your efforts are in vain. Since burnout develops gradually, its symptoms may not be noticeable right away. But once it takes hold, it can affect every part of your life. Let’s explore the signs of burnout and how to combat it.

How to Recognize Burnout?

Key Signs Include:

  • Forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating.
  • Decreased interest in work and pride in its results.
  • Loss of connection with yourself and your goals.
  • Struggles in communication with loved ones.
  • Irritability toward colleagues.
  • Unexplained muscle tension, pain, fatigue, and insomnia.
It’s estimated that 4% to 7% of the working population experiences burnout, but in some fields, like healthcare, the issue is much more prevalent.

The Consequences of Burnout Can Be Severe:

  • Reduced productivity at work.
  • Loss of interest in hobbies and strained family relationships.
  • Increased health risks, including cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, depression, and even suicidal thoughts.
It’s important to address burnout promptly, as it tends to worsen over time. The following steps can guide you toward recovery.

Where to Start?

Before making changes, identify the sources of stress. Burnout is often linked to work and professional factors, such as high workloads. However, it can also arise in other situations:
  • A demanding academic schedule.
  • Unresolved relationship problems.
  • Caring for a seriously ill loved one.
  • Attempting to manage too many responsibilities alone.
As Barry Suskind, a family therapist from Los Angeles, explains, “Eventually, you bend so far that you break, and that’s when burnout happens.” Imagine a single parent working full-time, studying online, and trying to maintain relationships with friends and family. Each of these factors may be manageable individually, but their combination can easily lead to burnout if not addressed.

Make Immediate Changes

Sometimes, the situation can be improved quickly. For instance, if you’re working overtime on three challenging projects: “People striving for career success often try to do it all,” says Suskind. But this approach can leave you with no energy for anything else. Instead, recognize that it’s impossible to do everything, and ask your manager to reassign one of the projects or add another team member. Overwhelmed with work and personal tasks but can’t say no to others? “People-pleasers often take on too much to avoid disappointing anyone,” Suskind explains. If you’re already struggling to manage essential tasks, adding more will only increase stress and frustration. Review your current commitments and consider what you can decline or postpone. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you feel relief.

Talk to Loved Ones

If you’re unsure how to start tackling burnout or reducing stress, that’s okay. Burnout can feel so overwhelming that finding solutions seems impossible. In a state of total exhaustion, thinking clearly becomes challenging. Support from someone close to you can make you feel less alone. Friends, family, and partners can help you identify potential solutions. They know your life well enough to understand what might work for you and are distanced enough to offer a fresh perspective. It may be hard to share your stress, especially if you fear appearing weak or lazy. But it’s much harder to fight burnout alone. And who knows? Your loved ones might have experienced something similar and could share valuable advice.

Seek Professional Help

Overcoming burnout can be difficult, especially if it’s already affecting your relationships and quality of life. A psychotherapist can provide professional support, help identify the causes, suggest coping strategies, and address life challenges contributing to burnout. Burnout can lead to feelings of helplessness and even depression, so it’s crucial to seek help if you:
  • Feel hopeless.
  • Experience a persistently low mood.
  • Have thoughts of self-harm or harming others.
Recovering from burnout takes time, but deciding to confront it is already the first step forward.

Explore Your Options

Unfortunately, combating burnout isn’t always simple. But that doesn’t mean you’re doomed to stay in this state forever. Even if you can’t see a way out right now, a bit of exploration may reveal new paths. Perhaps your manager keeps overloading you with work despite your requests for help or more time. In such cases, it might be worth considering finding a new job where your abilities are appreciated. If burnout stems from relationship issues, consulting a psychologist can help you understand the situation and determine whether the relationship aligns with your needs. In short, when you’ve given all you have and it’s still not enough, sometimes the only option is to move forward—for your own sake. Sometimes, simply realizing that other options exist can restore hope and remind you of your ability to make changes, even if they don’t happen immediately.

Take Back Control

Burnout can leave you feeling helpless, as though life is passing you by and you can’t keep up. If external factors caused your burnout, you might blame the circumstances and struggle to see what can be changed. You may not have controlled the situation that led to this state, but you have the power to regain control and start your recovery process. Here are a few tips to help you begin:
  • Set priorities. Some tasks must be done, while others can wait until you have more time and energy. Identify which tasks are less important and postpone them.
  • Delegate. You can’t do everything alone. If too many tasks require immediate attention, delegate some to someone you trust.
  • Leave work at work. A key part of recovering from burnout is establishing a work-life balance. After work, focus on resting and recharging.
  • Assert your needs. Talk to others involved and explain your situation. Let them know you need support to take care of your health and handle your workload effectively.

Set Boundaries

Learning to set boundaries and limit the time you dedicate to others can help you manage stress and recover from burnout. “Taking on too many obligations can lead to overload,” explains Suskind. Before agreeing to a request or accepting an invitation, Suskind recommends:
  • Pausing to reflect.
  • Thinking about what will be required of you if you agree.
  • Asking yourself if you have the time and energy.
  • Considering whether it will benefit you.
An essential part of setting boundaries is learning to say “no.” “Refusing a request doesn’t make you lazy, selfish, or mean,” emphasizes Suskind. “Being selective about commitments is key to protecting your mental health, completing truly important tasks, and preventing burnout.”

Practice Self-Compassion

Burnout can make you feel like a failure, as if you’ve lost your purpose or direction in life. It may seem like you can’t do anything right or that you’ll never achieve your goals. By the time you reach burnout, you’ve likely been operating at your limits for a long time. What would you say to a friend in this situation? Most likely, you’d show empathy and kindness rather than criticize them for their struggles. Offer yourself the same support and love. Remind yourself that you don’t have to be perfect and that it’s okay to take a break. Maybe you can’t juggle three tasks at once right now—but who can? And it’s okay if you didn’t ace your last exam. You still did well. At the end of the day, all you can do is give your best effort using your strengths. You’ll find it much easier to do so when you’re not running on empty.

Take Care of Your Needs

Caring for your physical and mental health is crucial for recovering from burnout. Ideally, upon reaching burnout, you’d take a break, clear your schedule, and dedicate time to rest and relaxation. However, most people can’t afford to do that. If you need to pay bills and care for children, quitting might seem impossible until you find another job. If you’re caring for an ill family member without other relatives to step in, you might not have anyone to turn to for help. In such cases, practicing self-care can ease recovery while you seek other ways to recharge. Try the following tips:
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Spend time with loved ones but also make time for yourself.
  • Engage in daily physical activity.
  • Eat nutritious meals and stay hydrated.
  • Practice meditation, yoga, or other mindfulness techniques for relaxation.

Rediscover What Brings You Joy

Severe burnout can leave you so drained that you forget what used to make you happy. Maybe you’ve lost interest in work you once loved and now face each day with anger and resentment. Perhaps your favorite hobbies no longer excite you, and you’ve stopped replying to friends’ messages because you lack the energy for socializing. Maybe you’re constantly irritable and snapping at loved ones, even though you don’t mean to. To counteract these feelings, make a list of things that bring you joy. These might include:
  • Long walks with your best friend.
  • Trips to the park with your child.
  • Reading a book in the bath.
Set aside time for these activities each week and continue this practice even after you start feeling better.

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